Da Banamondo, il pianeta delle scimmie esploratrici, MUUNKY è atterrata sulla Terra poiché la sua navicella ha finito le banane-carburante. PUUS, il polipo stellare guardiano dello spazio, la insegue per catturarla e MUUNKY può contare solo sull’aiuto di PIILO, l’amico formichiere esperto di meccanica. Per sfuggire al tentacolare nemico, la scimmia venuta dallo spazio dovrà affrontare mille peripezie e fughe turbolente, alla ricerca delle preziose banane che alimentano la Muunkygo. Fra mummie rinsavite, armi improbabili e liane meccaniche, scopri anche tu con MUUNKY l’isola di Manhattan.

Avventure e divertimento sono garantiti… siamo a New York!


Titolo: Muunky

Sottotitolo: Da Banamondo a New York

Autore: Elisabetta Friggi

Autore: Davide Rossetti

Collana: Acchiappasogni

ISBN: 978-88-9343-222-1

Prezzo di copertina: Euro 12,00

Pagine: 80


From Banaworld, planet of the explorer-monkeys, MUUNKY has landed on Earth because her spacecraft has run out of bananas: its special fuel. PUUS, the interstellar octopus, chases after her. PIILO, her anteater friend, helps her from space. To escape from the interstellar space guard, MUUNKY will have to face thousands of unexpected developments and make astonishing getaways.

With mummies reawakened, useless guns, and mechanical lianas, let’s discover the island of Manhattan with MUUNKY.

What an amazing adventure! We are in New York City!


Title: Muunky

Subtitle: From Banaworld to New York

Author: Elisabetta Friggi

Author: Davide Rossetti

Translate by: Cinzia Maria Orsini

ISBN: 978-88-3163-905-7

Price: Euro 15,00

Pages: 80


From Banaworld, planet of the explorer-monkeys, MUUNKY has landed on Earth because her spacecraft has run out of bananas: its special fuel. PUUS, the interstellar octopus, chases after her. PIILO, her anteater friend, helps her from space. To escape from the interstellar space guard, MUUNKY will have to face thousands of unexpected developments and make astonishing getaways.

With mummies reawakened, useless guns, and mechanical lianas, let’s discover the island of Manhattan with MUUNKY.

What an amazing adventure! We are in New York City!


Format: Kindle

File size: 34475 KB

Language: English


Price: Euro 7,88


从木乃伊的神奇复活到研制对付puus的武器,等等的好多好玩的事情将会一一发生... ...小朋友们,你们也来一起和Muunky发现曼哈顿岛吧!在这次的探险之旅上肯定既充满了冒险与刺激,又充满了乐趣与知识,我们在纽约!

Title: Muunky

: 从香蕉星球到达纽约

策划编辑 Elisabetta Friggi

图绘画 Davide Rossetti

译文 Huawen Zhao

ISBN: 978-88-3163-485-4

: Euro 15,00

: 80


+39 0266987787 - Milano, Via Domenico Scarlatti 30
info: muunky@muunky.com



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